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We are a non-profit homeless ministry. We seek to share God’s love and encouragement as we give food, clothes, and most importantly, the gospel to our homeless community every two weeks. Each person receives a snack bag, a toiletry bag, clothes, and shoes for the season. But most importantly, the word of God is given to them through Bible tracts. The gospel message is the entire reason for this ministry; we offer hope through the word of God so that lives can be changed and souls will be saved.


“I have shown you in every way, by laboring like this, that you must support the weak. And remember the words of the Lord Jesus, that He said, ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’ ”  (Acts 20:35)

No Hungry Bellies

How You Can Help

We are always looking for items that you may have around the house or could easily pick up at the grocery or big box store while you’re doing your regular shopping. Every bit helps!

Canned chicken
Peanut butter and jelly
Potato chips
Bottled water
Juice boxes
Soft fruit like bananas, oranges, strawberries, and grapes
beef jerky (like Slim Jims®)

Bandages (like Band-Aids®)
Toothpaste and toothbrushes
Sanitary pads
Soap, deodorant, and washcloths
Gently used coats and clothes (especially for cold weather)
New underwear; men’s and women’s (medium-sized)
Socks and shoes
Sleeping bags and blankets
Plastic gloves
Cooking fuel (like Sterno®)
Cupcake tins (to serve food)
Reynolds wrap
Tissues (small packs)
Gallon size and sandwich food storage bags
Plastic gloves and masks
Tents and tarps
Razors and shaving cream
Lip balm (like Chapstick®)

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“Whoever is generous to the poor lends to the Lord, and he will repay him for his deed.”  (Proverbs 19:17)

Meet the Ministry Team

“The generous will themselves be blessed, for they share their food with the poor.”  (Proverbs 22:9)

Jessica Whitfield

Jessica Whitfield

Ministry Leader

My name is Jessica Whitfield and I am the ministry leader here at No Hungry Bellies. I have always had a desire and passion to evangelize to the lost and help those that are in need. The Lord nudged my heart and gave me this ministry to pursue. We started No Hungry Bellies in September of 2020. Myself, my daughter and granddaughter put some lunches together and headed out to Philadelphia searching for homeless people to bless with a snack bag and a sandwich. As we drove through the city we were able to bless many people and we came across a woman sitting on the steps with no shoes. We scrambled to get to a store to get her some shoes and socks and we put them on her feet. It was then that I realized that I had to do more. So we evolved into not only giving food but toiletries and gently used shoes and clothes. We are so thankful for the givers and could not do this without them. I love what I do and I could not imagine doing anything else. May God be glorified through our kingdom work.

Jerome Whitfield Jr

Jerome Whitfield Jr

Ministry Helper

My name is Jerome Whitfield Junior. I am Jessica Whitfield’s son. I wear many different hats for No Hungry Bellies. I handle most of the pick-ups and drop-offs of donations. I also assist in giving food and supplies as needed. I once gave my hoodie to a homeless man who asked for it. It was my favorite hoodie and I was very reluctant. But I gave it to him anyway. When I got home and took a shower I realized how fortunate I was to be able to take a nice warm shower and put my pajamas on and get into bed. It was a humbling experience.

Tyrone Leggett

Tyrone Leggett

Ministry Helper

I was raised by two loving caring parents who believe in Jesus Christ, as the Lord and Savior. I was born in Washington DC and raised in Philadelphia. In Adulthood I strayed from the church and found myself in a suicidal and homicidal state; I cried out to the Lord and he heard me, picked me up, and set my feet on solid ground. I know what it’s like to be homeless, hungry, unable to wash off, or change clothes. I know the importance of No hungry bellies.

Sharmane Whitfield

Sharmane Whitfield

Ministry Helper

My name is Sharmane Whitfield. I am Jessica’s mother-in-law. I started with No Hungry Bellies in January of this year. I have always wanted to be a part of a ministry like this to help serve the less fortunate and homeless. I call them “No Hungry Babies” because I look upon each one with love and compassion. It gives me great joy to prepare snack bags and clothing bags knowing that someone will benefit from what God ordained through our ministry. There is no other joy like giving.

Marla Scott

Ministry Helper

I am honored to volunteer with No Hungry Bellies. I see the passion and determination that Jessica Whitfield has for going to feed and clothe the homeless of Kensington here in Philadelphia. No Hungry Bellies has truly taught me the meaning of “it’s better to give than to receive” as we help to distribute to those in dire need of food, toiletries, clothing, shoes, and most of all a kind word. Jessica, through No Hungry Bellies, is the epitome of kindness.

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